Wednesday, August 31, 2011

ROCK BABY ROCK (Bass) by VST & Company

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Takas ng ADB Prison!

Albay Girl honored for saving Philippine Flag

MANILA, Philippines—The tiny Philippine flag pinned on her left collar will be a constant reminder of her deed, which, in light of her young age, has been deemed an unprecedented selfless act of courage and patriotism in a time of adversity.

Janela Arcos Lelis, a 12-year-old sixth grader from Malinao town, Albay was formally honored Thursday by the National Historical Commission of the Philippines for saving the Philippine flag from raging floodwaters when Typhoon “Juaning hit her hometown and destroyed her house last month.

It was the first recognition ever to be bestowed on a Filipino child, according to officials of the NHCP, a government arm that promotes Philippine history and cultural heritage. In a simple ceremony at the NHCP office in Manila, Lelis was awarded a plaque, a Philippine flag lapel pin, a Philippine flag and P20,000 cash for what the agency described as her “selfless act” of courage reflecting her love for the country.

“We thank and admire Janela [for her deed] and we hope that your classmates and all the other young people in the country will follow your wonderful example of giving tribute to our national flag,” said NHCP president Dr. Maria Serena Diokno in Filipino at the ceremony on Thursday. Thursday’s awarding stemmed from a resolution approved by the NHCP Board on Aug. 18, giving honor to Lelis. “This plaque of recognition is given to [Lelis] for her exemplary action, risking life and limb to save the Philippine national flag from the rising floodwaters … at the height of Typhoon Juaning in Malinao, Albay,” said NHCP Executive Director Ludovico Badoy.

Lelis’ deed was a “selfless act of courage, reflective of her love for country and a constant reverence to the national symbol,” Badoy added. In her crisp white and blue uniform and high-cut red sneakers, the shy pre-teen politely obliged to the never-ending photo ops requested of her with officials, employees and visitors at the NHCP during and on the sidelines of the ceremony.

She showed obedience when her brother, Edcel, on that stormy day on July 26, asked her to quickly return to their home, which by then was already submerged in floodwaters, to retrieve the Philippine flag entrusted to him by his school. Lelis’ 19-year-old brother, a color officer of the Citizen’s Army Training in Malinao National High School, could not retrieve the flag himself as he was busy helping relatives evacuate at that time. Lelis daringly negotiated the turbulent floodwaters, which by then was up to her chest.

“I just held on tight to a rope that our barangay captain had set up for the evacuation so I wasn’t swept away by the floodwaters,” said Lelis in the dialect as she shyly recounted her experience to the Philippine Daily Inquirer. But she felt no fear or apprehension, she added.

While she remembered what her teachers had taught had about respecting the flag and not allowing it to get dirty as she was retrieving it, Lelis said she was also concerned about her brother should something happen to it. “He will pay for it if he lost it,” she said.

The flag was already dripping wet and partly covered in muck by the time she retrieved it from their home. “I immediately removed the mud and then returned to the shelter,” she said.
The NHCP got wind of her story when her brave act was immortalized in a photograph taken by a Malinao resident, Frank Lurzano. The photo circulated in social networking sites and later, was noticed by GMA-7, which featured the story last month.

Teodoro Atienza, NHCP’s heraldry chief, said Lelis was worthy of adulation and emulation as she had done something that no adult or child her age has accomplished. In his more than 30 years at NHCP, he has never encountered anyone who risked his or her life to save a national flag, said Atienza in an interview. “She is a very good example to the youth … I hope people will learn from her in giving the right kind of respect to our flag,” said the official. Thinking about Lelis’ bravery still gave her aunt, Edna Arcos Machete, goosebumps. “It was really very stormy that day,” said Machete, who has been Lelis’ guardian since she was merely a year old.

Lelis and her brother, who lost their parents at a very young age, have been under the care of their maternal grandmother and aunt. “May kasabihan po tayo na ang kabataan ay ang pag-asa ng bayan. Matapos po ang nangyaring baha sa aming lugar sa Malinao, Albay noong July 26, ang mga katagang ito ay nagkatotoo sa aking buhay [We have a saying that the youth is the hope of our nation.

After the flooding in our area in Malinao, Albay last July 26, these words became true in my life],” Lelis said in her speech. “Bata man po ako sa gulang na labing dalawa, hindi ko po akalain na may nagawa akong isang mabuting bagay para sa ating bansa. Iyan po ay ang pagsunod ko sa aking Kuya Edcel na ilikas ang ating watawat sa gitna ng rumaragasang baha [I may be young at the age of twelve, I didn’t imagine that I could do something good for our country. This was because I followed what my older brother Edcel told me to save the flag in the midst of the gushing floods],” she added.

Thanking God for giving her the strength to hurdle the challenge given to her, Lelis also acknowledged the people who supported her, including Lurzano for capturing her bravery. “Kung hindi po dahil sa kanya, hindi po ako nakatayo ngayon sa inyong harapan [If not because of Him, I wouldn’t be here standing in front of you today],” she said, drawing applause from the audience.

When asked later about her feelings, Lelis said she was just plain happy. Her aunt, who was teary-eyed during her speech, said it was the girl’s first time to set foot in Manila. “So she’s just happy to be here,” said Machete. The girl was also in high spirits when she met showbiz celebrities Sam Milby, Maja Salvador and Angelika dela Cruz early this week, she added. Taking the long bus trip from home, Lelis arrived in Manila early Sunday morning with her brother, aunt, uncle and cousin. The group was extending their stay in the capital up to next week since there were still many invites coming from other personalities, the aunt said.

Monday, August 22, 2011

WHO is THE real EVIL? Marcos or The Arroyos

1. NBN ZTE Scandal

2. Millions of Bribe Money to Congressmen and Governors (October 2007)

3. Cheating in 2004 Elections ( "Hello Garci") - Niyurakan ang ating Demokrasya.

4. Joc Joc Bolante Case ( "Fertilizer Scam", P728 Million ) - Bolante is still not in jail.

5. Jose Pidal Bank Account (Unexplained Wealth, P200 Million) - Iggy Arroyo to the rescue.

6. Nani Perez Power Plant Deal ($2 Million)

7. Use of Road User's Tax for Campaigning

8. Billion Peso Macapagal Boulevard ( "Overpriced by P532 Million" )

9. Juetengate? ( "Illegal Number Game Kickbacks" )

10. Extra Judicial Killings

11. Arroyo Money in Germany ( "Exposed by Senator Cayetano" )

12. General Garcia and Other Military Men ( "Pabaon")

13. Billions of Peso Poll Automation Contract To Mega Pacific
- None of the Machines have been utilized. - Storage of Machines adds up to the cost yearly.

14. Northrail Project ( "$503 Million" )

15. Maguindanao Results of 2007 Elections ( "Zubiri and Bedol" )

16. NAIA-3

17. Venable Contract ( "Norberto Gonzales" )

18. Swine Scam ( "Exposed by Atty. Harry Roque" )

19. GLORIA Arroyo's Son hidden assets in United States


- Wala ng Magamit ang Bayan nung dumating si ONDOY.

22. The C-5 Road Controversy with Manuel Villar

23. P550-million worth of funds from the Overseas Workers’ Welfare Administration (OWWA)

24. P780-million LWUA funds with Prospero Pichay

25. Bishop's SUV-Gloria Pandak Birthday gift

26. Arroyo linked in P325M lotto intelligence fund

27. Arroyo got P200M in kickbacks from Government Projects with Zaldy Ampatuan

28. P200.41 billion or $4.6 billion in Malampaya Royalties from 2002 to May this year

- Nagtatago sa St. Luke's ang mga ARROYO.

30. 600,000 Metric Tons of ROTTEN Rice imported from India.
- With Kishore Hemlani, an Indian trader allegedly close to the ARROYO
- Reportedly bagged the P9.5 Billion contract for the rice importation.

31. P50-million bribe to FG for the president's veto of two franchise bills

32. The additional funding led to a 41-percent spike in advertising expenses from P76.129 million in 2008 to P107.420 million in 2009, which went mostly to ads for Arroyo's achievements.

33. The report said the PIA received from the Department of Budget and Management a notice of cash allocations amounting to P344.789 million, even though only P222.488 million was appropriated for it under the national budget.

34. Denial of pork barrel funds to Malacanang's Political Enemies.

35. Praises for Jovito Palparan, alleged mastermind of extra judicial killings of militants.

36. Removal of Government Bodyguards for Former President Cory Aquino, an ARROYO critic

37. Appointment of Manicurist as a member of the board of PAG-IBIG.

38. Appointment of Gardener as Deputy of the Luneta Park Administration.

39. Midnight appointment of an ARROYO Lapdog, Renato Corona, as SC Chief Justice.- Plus 200 more other illegal midnight appointments.

40. Mikey Arroyo's undeclared properties in California.

41. Pardon of controversial convicted criminals like Ninoy's murderers.

42. Executive Order 464 - Requiring Cabinet members to seek presidential clearance before testifying in Congress hearings.

43. Promise (on Rizal Day) to not run for the presidency in 2004.

44. "Vote Buying" by giving away PhilHealth cards.

45. Taxpayers' money for her giant billboards and and PCSO TV Campaign Ads.

46- Appointment of Ben Abalos, a staunch GMA ally, as COMELEC chair

47. Mikey Arroyo's importation of 32 thoroughbred horses from Australia worth P384 million.

48. Former First Gentleman Mike Arroyo used 2 choppers 16 times, son Mikey 69.

49. PNOY reported that PAGCOR spent P1B on coffee.

50. Jose Miguel Arroyo owned helicopters’ all Robinson R44 Raven Is with Series Nos. 1370 to 1374.
- A total of $1,423,025 was paid to Lionair for the five helicopters.

51. PAGCOR ‘pabaon’ to Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo: P345M.

52. The Godmother’s ties to the Pinedas (Jueteng Lord).

53.Glorietta 2 and Batasan bombings.
- The Glorietta 2 bombing happened during the height of the bribery case which took place in Malacañang.

54.Misuse of Balikatan funds- Navy Lt. Nancy Gadian revealed an alleged malversation of funds in 2007.

55. SOLON: Charge Gloria Arroyo for taking P98-M from PNOY's social fund.

- Former Armed Forces' Chiefs of Staff Narciso Abaya, Dionisio Santiago, Generoso Senga, Hermogenes Esperon
- and Alexander Yano, Chiefs of Staff – Angelo Reyes, Diomedio Villanueva, and Roy Cimatu and MANY MORE..

Friday, August 19, 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Putang Ina!

Putang Ina!

* This is address to no one but the Universe.

Monday, August 08, 2011

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Christopher Lao ( U.P. Diliman College Of Law )

BA Philosophy (Summa Cum Laude) GWA: 1.169
University of the Philippines - Diliman
University Student Council - Vice Chair 2005 -2006

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